Welcome to another week and with Valentines Day ahead, love is in the air...or is it?
According to the last census of the 44.9 million adults usually resident in England & Wales
in mid-2010, 48.2 per cent were married, 35.6 per cent were single, 9.3
per cent were divorced and 7.0 per cent were widowed.
But changes in the population by marital status in the year to mid-2010
continue the long term trends seen since mid-1971; the proportions of
the adult population who are married and widowed continue to decline and
the proportions who are single and divorced continue to rise.
So singles or singletons are a growing trend but just where do they look for love?
Apparently, a third of new relationships begin
online and on average, nine million Britons log on to dating sites in
their quest to find a significant other, an industry which research firm
Mintel estimates will be worth £150 million this coming year.
So when consumers hit the web for romance, what are some of the most common words typed in when searching?
Leading independent digital marketing agency, Greenlight, analysed
September search data last year, to identify the most popular online dating-related
keywords consumers used when they went to Google UK to begin their
search, and in turn, to discern the most visible online dating sites to
The agency’s ‘Online Dating Report – Issue 2’ found there were over 871,000 dating-related searches made online in September 2013. The majority of consumer queries (15%) were for free internet dating
sites, the terms ‘free dating sites’, ‘free dating’ and ‘free online
dating’ amounting to 132,600 searches in total.
The report also looked in depth at age ranges, nationality, and all sorts of other specifics info about how people search for love, and assuming you might want to register online, we thought we would offer our own little Cloud 9 Event Management guide to Love Online....
Do take the time to get your profile right. Spend
some time making sure your profile is as good as possible and that it reflects your personality. Also make sure anything you put online correctly spelt - it could put people off otherwise!
Do make your first message count and make sure it reads like a
personal message. Mention things from the person’s profile
and interests that caught your eye and made you want to get in touch, whatever the reason. Part two of this is also, don't be afraid to make the first move, it's only a message!
Don’t misrepresent yourself on your profile. You might have looked great in that picture 20 years ago but if you don't still look like that, it's not very honest is it? It's also not a good idea to use a selfie as your profile photo! It looks like you don't have any friends!
Don't let a bad dating experience get to you. Just because the last one was awful it doesn't mean the next one will be.
Do accept dates with people who aren't your “type” and also make sure your first dates are in a public place and always let a friend or family member know where you'll be.
Do make online dating a priority.It's all very well registering but if you never go on the site, you are never going to meet anyone!
Don't go for dinner on the first date. Once you're
sitting at a table with this stranger, you're trapped until the bill
comes – and they could be a very slow eater and dull as ditch water.
Don't be late, its rude and unless its unavoidable, it can set a bad precedent. Also its not a good idea to arrive drunk or come from somewhere else where you've been drinking.
And finally, Do actually date. Get out and meet in real life!
So whether you are single, married, loved up or not, we wish you all lots of love for this Valentines Day and a fab week ahead.
Cloud 9 towers over and out for this week, see you next....
PS. Our new website coming soon!