Welcome to another week and if you are attending a conference abroad anytime soon we thought it might be useful to share a few tips with you, especially as in our experience the little things can make a big difference!
The world is a much smaller place these days and more and more people are heading off globally for meetings or to attend congresses and whilst the first rule of this is always to plan ahead, and not to forget your passport, there are all sorts of other things to consider.
Not only do International events provide an excellent opportunity to practise your skills
as a delegate, enable you to make new friends, travel and offer you a great cultural
experience, for some it may be a bit daunting.
So find out who else is going in advance, connect with them whether directly or via Social Media. If your entire company is off to Istanbul for the weekend, that's a bit different, but if you are the lone representative from your company, then buddy up in advance. You can arrange to meet at the airport, plan your travel, share car parking, you name it, and even if you don't know the person, they might just appreciate the offer of a travel companion. And if they don't? Well ignore them and find someone else!
Pack accordingly. If you are off on a team building weekend that requires walking boots and warm winter woollies then great, but you don't want to arrive to find that the last night is a formal event that requires black tie or a cocktail frock. I know some might see this an excuse to pop off to the shops, you might find that your schedule does not allow any time for this!
If you do end up traveling alone, then make sure you know exactly where you need to be and by when, and make sure you have the opportunity to check in with someone back at base so you can let everyone know you are safe and sound. Even a selfie of Facebook post will do, but better to be safe than sorry!
Check your currency. No point being stranded in an airport with only a fiver in cash, so take some local currency with you whether its Dollars or Dinah, it might well come in handy should you need the loo or a coffee, or should that be a coffee then the loo!
Download a currency App to your phone so you can check local prices. You don't want to pay over the odds or be seen as a naive tourist.
Confirm your hotel reservation in advance, and try and give them an arrival time if you can. If you have a late night flight the last thing you want is to find your hotel has released your room because they thought you might be a no show.
Read your joining instructions carefully to make sure you know where you need to be and when. If there are transfers arranged between your hotel and any relevant conference centres, make sure you know where you are being picked up and how to get back later.
Don't be a party pooper - if the chance to go out and about for a few hours locally presents itself then take the opportunity and go for it, as you may never get another chance. However, only do this if you are with people you know and feel you can trust and always make sure you have enough money to get back to your hotel safely should you decide you have had enough.
Although we are encouraging you to have a good time, know your limits. Most of these events are expensive to stage and are representative of hours of hard work and its disrespectful to your colleagues, hosts and your company, especially if they have paid to send you along, to languish in bed with a hangover or to miss key sessions by sleeping off the excesses of the night before.
Don't upset the locals is also a useful motto. Some of the things we take for granted over here in good old Blighty are not the norm in some countries and can land you in serious hot water!
For instance, don't clink glasses in Hungary as it's associated with the execution of Hungarian rebellious generals back in 1849 and is still frowned upon today. Don't sing too loudly after Sunset in Honolulu, or you may find yourself with a criminal record!
If you are in Singapore, then don't drop litter or eat on public transports as both acts are illegal and chewing gum is also banned.
So take a little time and check out some local customs before you travel, it could save you all sorts of headaches. And whilst we are on the subject of headaches, remember to pack your asprin or other medication and for ladies, any emergency supplies!
Above all, enjoy your conferences and meetings abroad, there is a whole wide world out there so go and enjoy!
Have a great week!