Welcome to another week and with the recent BAFTA's, The Brit Awards on Wednesday and the Oscars looming, Awards Season is well and truly upon us.
We like a good Awards do here at Cloud 9 Towers and we've run hundreds of them in our time, and one of the ones we are actively involved with at present is the CHS Awards.
The awards provide hotels and venues with a unique opportunity to
showcase their facilities to the events industry at large, compete in each of
the carefully chosen categories and be recognised at a glittering Awards
Ceremony on the 11th May 2017 at The Royal Armouries in Leeds.
With guaranteed exposure to a receptive audience of
hosted buyers, an industry seal of approval for a job well done, a great
platform for promotional marketing and first rate networking, the
Awards are open to any hotel or venue within the UK.
Judged in two key stages by leading industry
professionals and then by agency decision makers, these Awards, which
will be fun, fair and credible, will also offer the perfect environment
for entertaining clients and customers alike in a fun setting.
There are many benefits of entering awards, from PR exposure and
increased credibility to improved team morale and celebrating success.
Not only that, the CHS Awards give your hotel or venue the
opportunity to get in front of over 70 venue finding agents from across
the UK who judge the awards for us.
Mega MacBraidy, General Manager of Horizon Leeds who won the Chairman's Award last year said "Entering the CHS Awards is a brilliant way to promote
your venue. The judges are all prestigious industry names, so getting
our venue in front of them really helped increase our profile, and then
winning increased it even further. These are the only industry awards to
offer venues the opportunity to showcase a room or a part of their
service – so smaller venues can compete with larger ones. We won four
awards in 2016 and the impact of winning has been amazing – and very
good for our business. We have used the logo in our marketing, on our
emails and the awards are on the wall in reception for everyone to see.
Being an award winning venue has helped put Horizon Leeds on the map,
and I’m very much looking forward to entering this year and hoping to
retain our crown!"
The Awards are free to enter and the deadline is Friday 3 March 2017.
Whilst we are on the subject of Awards, we attended Love Business last week at Donnington Park, in conjunction with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce, to mark the launch of their 2017 Business Awards.
Part of our contribution to the event was to prepare a crib sheet with tips and advice for entering the Awards and just in case you need a reminder why awards matter, we thought we would share it with you.
1. Awards
are a great way to demonstrate that you believe passionately in what you do as
a business, as well as motivating your team as it underlines your commitment to
their work or productivity.
2. Awards
offer a great opportunity for you to take a step back from the day to day
running of your business and appraise your activities - so even if you don’t
win a trophy, your business will still benefit from your own review.
3. Be
clear about your objectives and your story when applying. You might know your
business inside out and back to front, but the judges don’t, so make sure you
communicate clearly and concisely.
4. Ask
for collaboration or invite stakeholders to support your application with an
endorsement or even just a review of your Awards application. From typos to
testimonials, an outside opinion might make all the difference to your chances
of success.
5. Awards
offer an excellent opportunity to undertake some free marketing, so if you are
shortlisted, make sure the whole world knows about it. Add a button or banner
to all of your literature and online platforms and PR your achievements
traditionally and via social media. It’s time to embrace your success.
6. Awards
enable you to benchmark your business and see how you are performing against
your peers and competitors. What are they doing differently and what ideas can
you adopt for your own business.
7. Awards
open doors and allow you to engage in new conversations with potential
customers. They offer new opportunities to increase the credibility of your
business and differentiate you from the competition so make most of the awards
at all stages.
8. Awards
enable you to attract new talent to your business, as potential employees are
more likely to be attracted to your company, especially as you have already
shown a commitment to your current staff or team.
9. Awards
provide a great networking opportunity on the night of the ceremony. Even if
you don’t win an actual award, you can still win new business, new contacts and
new potential opportunities so you will never leave empty handed. Make the most
of the experience at each and every stage
10. Celebrate
your success (or attendance) and extend the longevity of your win with as many
photographs and images as you can, as we live in a digital world where content
matters – so collect as much as you can at every stage.
To find out more about The Chamber Business Awards this year please see the website!
Have a great week and remember to think Awards!