Monday, 26 November 2018

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 26 November 2018

Welcome to another week and we are a bit too busy this coming week to share much so instead we thought we would pinch our content from the great Event Managers Blog, which we here at Cloud 9 Towers read avidly most weeks. 

Rather than just copy it, and we all know what happens to your SEO when you simply pinch content, we thought we would redirect you instead.

Have a great week and happy reading of the Top 25 Event Spaces in London - and don't forget if you want any additional information on any of them, here at Cloud 9 our free venue finding service is fast effective and friendly!

Monday, 19 November 2018

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 19 November 2018

Welcome to another week and we can't quite believe where the year has gone with the countdown to Christmas well and truly underway. 

As soon as the John Lewis Christmas ad is screened you know that you are well and truly in the festive season and although we don't like the Elton John journey as much as some of the other legendary ads they have produced, there will always be a debate about the best Christmas Ads of all time. 

Depending on your age you will perhaps have your favourite and as there are over a billion users on Youtube and on average people are watching 40 minutes of online videos on their mobile, tuning in just to watch the ads is becoming the norm - which is strange given most of us download our viewing these days and skip the commercials! 

Looking back over the last few years, we would have to say that the ad by Waitrose focused solely on warming the heart as you follow a brave robin as he ventures on an epic journey home to Britain. It ends where a girl is waiting on his annual return with the reward of a mince pie. Using the hashtag #HomeForChristmas, this ad spreads the joy!

Another favourite from a Foodie was the Sainsbuy's Ad taking us back a hundred years,as they  revisit the battlefield in World War One. Recreating the famous truce, this ad really echoes the meaning of Christmas - Christmas is for sharing.  

Although no longer around, Yellow Pages was originally seen as a directory used mainly for distress and emergency needs instead of a leisure and pleasure guide. All that all changed with the arrival of J R Hartley, a pensioner who finds a copy of his out-of-print book on fly fishing thanks to Yellow Pages and they went on to create some great ads.

This includes the great classic Christmas ad in which a creative use for Yellow Pages is found for one of life's little problems and Mistletoe was a great ad that truly captured this.

And why have we featured these great ads? Well great ads all need somewhere to film and here at Cloud 9 in addition to our free venue finding service, sourcing film locations is also in our area of expertise. 

So, for a stress free solution to film your next epic, make sure you give us a shout - we are happy tom help!

Have a great week!

Monday, 12 November 2018

What's Floating Around Clud 9? 12 November 2018

Welcome to another week and we're feeling a little fizzy here at Cloud 9 Towers as we have been organising drinks and activities for some of our clients Christmas Parties - as all good event planners know, its important to be organised as early as possible.

Although Proseco seems to be the popular choice for many an event these days, there are still clients around who prefer the real stuff and yes, we are talking the proper bubbly stuff, Champagne.It's been the drink of royalty going back to the 1800s and even Winston Churchill once said of World War II, “Remember gentlemen, it’s not just France we are fighting for, it’s Champagne.”

From Wedding toasts to celebrations it's been the staple, but what about those people who still want a cocktail with a kick but would rather avoid the Champers?

The current trend is to think different and what better time of year to enjoy experimenting with new
flavours, styles and cocktail mixes. But are you brave enough to try one of these for your next event?

One of the biggest holistic trends of the year has been to have a tablespoon of apple vinegar a day – believed to be excellent for digestion and weight loss and this trend has spilled, literally, into cocktails. Shrubs, and not the kind you find in the garden – but rather the fruit vinegary infused syrup – are the latest rage in cocktails. Often sustainable and local to source, shrubs cocktails are popping up in many trendy bar and restaurant. 

It might sound odd but but vegetable based cocktails are edging their way into the mainstream as well and its not hard to find a Bee Pollen Bellini or a Pumpkin Potion, and its an interesting way of getting your five a day! 

Turmeric adds a punch to many a dish and is regularly used in cooking so why not cocktails? You will notice an increased use of turmeric syrup or popular turmeric gin based cocktails including turmeric gin and ginger and the turmeric gin sour.

Never forget thought that not everyone likes a tipple but we can do so much more than orange juice when designing your drinks menu. Mocktails deserve to be creative and with an ever-increasing health conscious culture, take some inspiration form the non alcoholic section on your next cocktail list. 

Cheers, and have a great week!

Monday, 5 November 2018

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 5 November 2018

Welcome to another week and we seem a little in Racecourses at present here at Cloud 9 Towers. We held the My Sight Notts Fireworks Event yesterday at Nottingham Racecourse and we're off to Warwick Racecourse this week to take a look on a site visit for a client. 

And, not only that but the AIEA are holding a race night next April in Ascot so its horses, racing and courses!

Jockey Club Venues with whom we work on venue finding (which don't forget we do for free here) has fifteen iconic venues in fourteen locations  across the portfolio along with the fabulous and historic Rooms in Newmarket.

The Jockey Club Rooms have been at the heart of British horse-racing for over 250 years. As a private members club, few people have stepped inside and seen the magnificent interiors, which house an unparalleled collection of British racing memorabilia, but luckily we enjoyed a fam trip there a few years ago so we have seen how stunning it is first hand.

Racecourses in addition to their normal fixtures are often overlooked when it comes to holding meetings and events, but there are lots of great reasons to consider them for your next event.

Parking is never an issue and usually free for delegates, the spaces are vast and the views great - and most of the venues have smaller and more intimate spaces available as well. 

Nottingham Racecourse for instance is ideal for corporate or private events, a company dinner, conferences, team building or even outdoor event and the sense of scale and space, with green views across the track, Colwick Park and the Trent Valley make it a great location. 

In addition to the outside space, there are four great rooms available at Nottingham Racecourse so depending on the size of your next event, something for everyone. 

That's what we call a good result so please do ask us if you want additional details and we can help you cross the finishing line in style.

Tally Ho & Have a Great Week!