Monday, 13 August 2012

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 13th August

Claire’s Cloud 9 Blog!

Hello there! My name is Claire and I have recently started working for Cloud 9! I graduated from Durham University with Geography (BA, Hons) degree in June this year. I have always been interested in event planning – I had a little dabble when I planned a series of fund raising events for my World Challenge to Iceland! I feel very privileged to be working for Paula; it is shaping out to be a really enjoyable and valuable insight into the fast paced life of events management! Within my few first weeks I have learnt and experienced so many diverse things and can’t wait to see what the next few weeks have instore!

Why not keep reading and see what exciting activities I have been up to since joining the team at Cloud 9?! 

Firstly, as the Fresh Awards are slowly creeping up on the team, I have been processing submitted work. Remember to keep updated by checking out! I was really impressed by some of the fab work that has been submitted! There are some really creative people out there! Keep up the good work folks! Paula then introduced me to the wonderful world of tweeting! Yes, I admit, it seems rather odd that a young person of this technological age doesn’t know how to use twitter… Nevertheless, I have really enjoyed being imaginative and creating lots of exciting tweets! 

When I haven’t been tweeting, I was invited to sit in on a meeting with a very charismatic sales rep from the Fairmount Hotel, St Andrews. I have always associated this region with family holidays, competitive rounds of golf and my Mum’s soggy sandwiches. However, my attention has recently been turned to the fabulous Fairmount Hotel. The luxurious décor coupled with the stunning views of medieval St Andrews and the North Sea has made the area a definite place to visit in the near future! Will need to start saving however…

A little nearer to home, the team and I ventured to Eastwood Hall. The event was set up by Principal-Haley to showcase the venue to potential clients. The evening consisted of a drinks reception (sadly no champers this time as I was driving!), a tour of the venue and then a yummy BBQ! We were also invited to take part in a few wine and food tasting games! The evening was Olympic themed and there were Cadburys chocolate gold medals dotted around – very tasty indeed! The weather held which was the icing on the cake of a really enjoyable evening! 

Continuing with the theme of visiting exciting new places, I have been invited to the Cotswolds to help out with the Fresh Awards judging! I am really looking forward to the week as I have never been to the Cotswolds! I hear Cotswold’s fudge is something of a regional speciality so I shall be hunting some down when I’m not tweeting or taking some snaps of the judges in action for the Book of Winners!

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