Welcome to another week and we are still working on the Freshtival which starts next week....still time to book which you can do online!
One of the key things we are doing as part of the Freshtival is a "Pop Up" Library full of industry related books, so anything to do with Advertising, Design, Media, Digital, PR and Communications.
It wasn't until we started collating our library, that we realised some of our agencies and partners have compulsory reading lists for their staff. We are doing our best to try and track down some corkers, but these seem to make lots of lists...
Hey Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan: Very few advertising books are as easy and enjoyable to read. Written by
a modern master of the advertising craft, it contains a wealth of
information that everyone should know. If you're just getting into the
business, you'll find a step-by-step guide to every aspect of
advertising. If you've been around for decades, you'll not only laugh
(and cry) throughout the book, but will still pick up tips and reminders
that continue to make you a better creative professional. If you're
stuck on a desert island with only one advertising book to read, this
would be the one. It's exceptional.
David Ogilvy was an advertising legend. His legacy lives on through the many branches of the Ogilvy network, and his books. Ogilvy On Advertising is considered an advertising bible, filled with indispensable knowledge and candid thoughts from a man who once said "it isn't creative unless it sells." Although decades old now, the principles within the book are as relevant as ever, and you're doing yourself a severe injustice if you have not read it from cover to cover.
From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor by Jerry Della Femina. Possibly the longest title ever written for an advertising book, and yet it doesn't make the information inside any less punchy. For people addicted to the life and work portrayed in Mad Men, this is the book for you. A vivid and no-holds-barred memoir of Madison Avenue advertising in the 60's, it's considered a cult classic, but should be right there on your shelf next to Ogilvy's book.
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin:What
if you see
a black and white cow after only ever seeing brown cows? It
stands out. But what happens when you keep seeing more and more black
and white cows? What stands out then? It would take a purple cow. That's
the basic premise of Godin's seminal book on transforming
business, and your advertising, into something remarkable. Stand out, be
amazing, or blend in and go unnoticed.
Truth, Lies & Advertising: The Art of Account Planning by Jon Steel - Great account planning ensures that advertising connects with the customers. But you don't need to be an account planner to garner a world of savvy information from this book. Jay Chiat, founder of Chiat\Day, calls it “The best new-business tool ever invented." Memorable, and highly successful, campaigns like “Got Milk?" and "Think Different" started with smart account planning. A book that’s a must-read for everyone in your advertising agency, not just the account department.
Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout, We see thousands of advertising messages every day. We probably remember just a handful. Being part of that handful is what this book is all about. How to position your product or service, and therefore, how to market it, is the foundation of a successful advertising and marketing campaign. How do you become an industry leader? How do you take advantage of competitor weaknesses? You'll find out
How to Write an Inspired Creative Brief by Howard Ibach, One of the most important documents in the creative process is the creative brief. It gives the creative department its marching orders, telling them where to start digging for great ideas. Filled with examples of powerful and effective creative briefs, and written in a laid-back but very informative way, this is essential reading for everyone in the communications industry.
A Technique for Producing Ideas by James Webb Young, The
foreword by Bill Bernbach, one of the greatest advertising
professionals who ever lived, should be enough to let you know that this
is a gem. And although published in 1965 (from a presentation first
delivered in 1939) it's timeless advice to help copywriters, art
directors, designers and planners jump-start their creative juices. If
(or when) you hit a creative wall, this book will help you hammer it
Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step by Edward de Bono, How does creativity work? How do you get results from it? How do you think differently, and more efficiently and effectively? Edward de Bono's classic book explains it all. Anyone who thinks for a living should read this book, and other works by the same author. It's easy to copy great ideas, but to know how to have them, and how to develop them, that's pure gold.
Caffeine for the Creative Mind by Stefan Mumaw and Wendy Lee Oldfield, This book has enough exercises in it to give your mental muscles an extreme workout every day. Try them all once, then try them again. Find different solutions to the same problems (something advertising is all about) or use the exercises to limber-up before tackling a work-related task. It's also a great way to stay sharp when you have that rare down-time.
Finding a Top Ten for PR has proved difficult and there appears to be a very long list of must-read titles when it comes to communications.
However, it doesn't seem to matter which list we looked at, there was always one book that stood out -How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. It's not a title that we have ever read here at Cloud 9 Towers, but its an expression that is probably used on a daily basis by hundreds of people! Having sold over 15 million copies since it was first published, its clear why its been called the Public Relations Bible.
So there we are, a little light reading for you over the coming week, better study - we'll be testing you later!
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