Welcome to another week and boy oh boy, its a busy one! What with sorting entries now that the deadline has passed for the Midlands Media Awards, boosting the Bristol Media Brand You entries, tying up the speaker schedule for the CIPR Northern Conference and making sure the launch of Fresh 2014 all goes to plan, the team here at Cloud 9 Event Management could all do with squeezing every little drop of time possible into the week ahead.
Additionally, Paula, Shannon & Rubina are off to enjoy the delights of the Conference & Hospitality Show North in Leeds on Tuesday which is being held at Elland Road, the home of Leeds United Football Club.
The Conference & Hospitality Show is a free to attend event which connects meeting and event organisers with a fantastic range of venues and an exciting variety of suppliers. CHS14 offers inspiration with innovative and creative event ideas along with an informative and motivational educational programme.
We are big on education here at Cloud 9 and we believe that you never stop learning, no matter your sector, so we are looking forward to enjoying some of the sessions and especially Dr Alexandra Kenyon who has a national and international reputation in the
field of experiential marketing, emotions and social media and was one
of the Leeds Metropolitan University teams conducting research into
future trends within the events industry. Alexandra has engaged in an
ERASMUS funded project, COBERN (Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network)
with 30 European Universities to investigate ‘Alcoholic and
Non-Alcoholic Consumption Patterns across Europe’ using new
methodologies such as picture-based questioning. She has worked with
Adragh Group; known for packaging the World’s biggest brands to
investigate the consumer’s sensory journey.

Neil MacLaurin, Managing Director of Keith Prowse will give us an
insight into the customer journey and how we can learn from one of the
Industries leading Corporate Hospitality providers famous for their
sporting and cultural events and there are a host of other speakers also providing sessions.
We are big fans of the CHS Show as its always great to connect with our existing hotels and venues and discover potentially new properties.
After a brief trip back to base, Paula is then off to enjoy the hospitality of the Hungarian Convention Bureau who are organising an international MICE Study Tour in Budapest which includes meeting planners from France, Germany, the UK and the USA .
The primary aim of the study tour is to introduce the conference, meeting facilities and unique venues of Budapest as a possible destination for future international events and includes some stunning looking hotels including The Aquincum Hotel, The Hilton, The Sofitel, The Intercontinental, The Bascolo, The Corinthia, Le Meridien and the Marriott.
Hungary is a not a place we know well here so with the impending trip, we thought it wise to do a little research. Although Hungary is not an unknown place on the globe, it is a new destination yet to be discovered for many. And who would deny that in order to attract delegates to a congress, selecting a location they have not known before is crucial...

Budapest is a magical place, rendered enchanting by the river Danube which divides the city into two. Hills, mountains in Buda, the line of hotels and the commercial district on the Pest side... an air of history, the pleasant climate, festivals and cultural events prove that the city is indeed the Pearl of the Danube. Several convention centres up to 2,000 located in pleasant environment, and 5.000 first class and luxury hotel rooms are at the guests’ disposal.
Living memories of the past, major historical monuments of Budapest may
be special venues for banqueting events and social programmes. The
fairy-tale Vajdahunyad Castle, the Museum of Fine Arts or even the
Parliament can be rented for special occasions.
With unique programmes to choose from for groups seeking sport challenges,
cultural heritage or gastronomy tours. One of the highlights of your
event might be a fantastic evening cruise down the Danube, a magic day
on the Hungarian Great Plain with authentic horse shows, and folklore
programmes including delicious traditional meals and drinks.Budapest is a city of baths, it is also called the Spa Capital of the world. A party spiced with a water ballet performance in the marvellous Gellért bath will surely result in a truly memorable evening. The marching of hussar companies in the Buda Castle; a Renaissance themed evening in a medieval castle; an exciting rally across the country with old-fashioned cars called Trabants: there is plenty to do to enrich your programme.
So there you have it, a busy week indeed. Enjoy or as they in Hungary élvez!
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