Welcome to another week and we are certainly in the clouds this week as it's all about flying here at C9 Towers!
Not only are we working with the fabulous people at Cello (more about them later) but we have been really interested to see some of the massive developments airlines are making in terms of enhancing the whole flight experience.
Thomson Airways — which helps define leisure travel in Europe — has
thought outside the fuselage when planning its new cabin interiors for
its Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, bringing the coziness of travel by train to
the skies.
There’s lots of talk of intermodal travel these days, but that
usually involves one form of transport taking you directly to another
seamlessly. Instead, Thomson blends the best of two modes of travel into
what promises to be a unique travel experience in the skies.
The leisure airline says this forms part of “a five-year vision to
change the face of holiday flying.” It will introduce new, more
efficient and comfortable aircraft, add more long-haul destinations and
introduce “innovative on-board product and service concepts,.” the
airline states.
Thomson Airways announced that it will add two more Dreamliners and
take delivery of 47 new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft by 2020, modernizing
Thomson Airways’ fleet as one of the youngest in the UK, at an average
age of just five years.
The Family Booth concept in the Thomson cabins would allow parents
and children, or friends, traveling together to sit face to face,
enjoying conversation and a shared dining experience with a folding
table between them.

Other family friendly features of the new Thomson concepts include
treats for the kiddies, which result in a more pleasant flight for the
adults. An on-board kids’ club will include Thomson and First Choice
child care with “a fully trained member of the crew to help parents keep
the kids entertained with arts, crafts and quizzes that relate to the
destination,” the airline states.
Thomson has also developed a concept to make flying more pleasant and
comfortable for couples as it is introducing a triple seat with a
multi-function folding middle seat.Thomson’s Duo-seats are seats designed for lovers; comprising three
innovative pod-style seats which become two with a table for champagne,
in-seat charging and mood lighting.
The folding middle has was a popular feature in vintage aviation, and
still flies on some carriers with an extra-narrow middle in business
class, but the full-sized middle will afford Thomson flexibility to sell
the seats according to demand from singles. Beyond seating, Thomson has introduced an onboard snack bar where its Premium passengers will find drinks and snacks.
Staying with all things flighty this week,
Virgin America prides itself on being a nontraditional airline, a characteristic that bleeds into its marketing strategy.
The airline this week uploaded a 5-hour 46-minute video to YouTube that traces the supposed real-time events on a flight from Newark to San Francisco.
The airline, the flight, and its passengers; however, are all fake. The video is a playful way to poke fun at the much-complained-about
experiences that travelers endure on some domestic flights. Although the
airline wouldn’t share the costs of producing the spoof, it is evident
from the video that they were not high. We don't have time to watch the entire thing, but the short version is quite fun!
And now on to our favourite airliner, Cello, based in Birmingham. If you want to experience the luxury of VIP air travel in the
magnificent comfort of your own 46 seat corporate or private charter
jet, look no further than Cello Aviation.
Cello Aviation's AVRO ABJ brings convenience, comfort and
speed to European VIP private air charter operations, not to mention a
product quality that surpasses anything currently in the corporate jet
hire marketplace.

The Cello's private or corporate jet hire service is simple -
we exist to provide all of our highly valued clients with the best
available VIP private jet charter and corporate jet hire options.
We are working with Cello on some very exclusive excursions so watch this space and you could soon be experiencing a whole new level of service and style....
Have a great week and keep flying high....!
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