Welcome to another week and if you didn't know, today is the start of National Smile Month. Now, we like to think we are pretty smiley people here at Cloud 9 Towers anyway, but this month we have vowed to go that extra mile and smile all the time.
It can be pretty tough to keep upbeat and on form when you have a million deadlines, you are inundated with emails and phone calls, and the events you are planning are increasingly close with a thousand and one details to tie up. However, to celebrate National Smile Month, this week's blog is dedicated to making you smile and keeping you positive. It might be a bit off topic from our usual content, but hey, a happy smiling person is far more productive so think of this as your official Cloud 9 therapy - all for free, a bit like our venue finding service (ahem!).
So first up is to smile at everyone you see. It costs nothing, its so easy to do and if it comes from the heart and is a genuine smile, its unlikely anyone will think you have lost the plot or you are being creepy. Make eye contact with people and smile, smile at them with sincerity and its very likely you will get one back. Even smiling when you are on the phone can have a positive impact on your tone and even if its a difficult call, then smiling can make all of the difference to the outcome of the call.
Next, tell a really bad joke or deliver a terrible pun. Some people are naturally funny and some are not we know, but nearly everyone has at least one joke that they know off by heart. Even if you don't, then spend five minutes at lunch online and find one that makes you smile. Odds are if it makes you smile, you will make someone else smile, and if you simply don't have time to search, then how about this one from the late, great Ronnie Corbett "We've just heard that in the English Channel, a ship carrying red paint
has collided with a ship carrying purple paint. It is believed that both
crews have been marooned." Well, it made us smile!

Number four on our list is very simple. It's food. Maybe treat your colleagues, neighbours or friends to lunch, homemade cakes or simple tasty treats. You don't need to break the bank or go over the top to do this, and even if you have a die hard dieter in your circle, chop up some carrot sticks and show you care.
Our fifth suggestion is to offer your help or your time. In today's busy world its very easy to get so wrapped up in our work loads, schedules, families and commitments that we often forget others around us are maybe not coping as well as we are. So offer to write that report, help a colleague meet a deadline, water a friends plants whilst they are away or simply offer to shout one of your pals a coffee and the chance for a catch up. A little can go a long way.
At six is the idea to do something to help someone you don't know. Yes, it is fairly unfortunate that our society as it is, means that if you offer to carry an old ladies shopping bags for her, she'll probably think you are going to do a runner with her dinner, but there are lots of small acts that all add up. Hold doors open for people, give up your seat, be nice to waiting staff and shop assistants. Give to charity and find a worthy project that means something to you and make a point to find out more about it.

When we are constantly bombarded with images of super slim, super rich, super lifestyle celebrities living glamorous lives in fabulous houses all around the world, number eight is maybe a bit tricky for some, but be grateful. For your own life, health, and happiness and the people around you. The saying that there are people a lot worse off than you is over used but is incredibly true, so what ever your problems, be happy with your self. Also do remember that even the rich and famous still need the loo, and have to put their pants on one leg at a time.
Finally, to ensure a smiling and successful month ahead, if you planning and event, looking for a venue or incentive, then the happy, smiley team here at Cloud 9 is on hand to help. Whoops - maybe not off topic after all!
Have a great week everyone and don't forget to smile.
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