Monday, 17 April 2017

What's Floating Around Cloud? 17 April 2017

Welcome to another week and it's a short week this week so we hope everyone had a great Easter break, filled with family, friends and more Easter Eggs than you can shake a stick at! 

We would like this week to focus on a new initiative that we have been debating for a while here at Cloud 9 Towers, and as a result, working with some great stake holders, we are launching the first UK Awards Conference. This will be a forum of education, energy & exploration for awards & events organisers in all key sectors. Refresh, renew and revitalise your brand, learn how to improve your core delivery programme and the steps to increase both market awareness and the bottom line.

With an array of incredible speakers, the opportunity to attend workshops that are relevant to you and your awards, a wealth of useful new suppliers, the UK Awards Conference is also introducing a revolutionary new bench marking scheme for awards organisers, based on the core principals of the event. This is designed to increase the credibility of your event, improve your education and innovate your next programme all in one day.

One of the objectives of the event is to establish a code of conduct, best practice policy and accreditation for anyone running or managing awards events and programmes. This national recognition will demonstrate your ethics, commitment and your professional approach to delivery. Above all, the charter will show your brand is aligned with trust, with transparency & technology which will benefit your business, your audience and your awards. Delegates attending the Conference will automatically qualify for this recognition which we aim to become an industry standard.

There are thousands of awards programmes taking place in the UK each year recognising every sector from Advertising to Aerospace, Travel to Transportation and each of these events involves hundreds of hours of planning, administration and delivery - as well as the success and achievements of the winners.

​This inaugural one day conference offers a unique opportunity for those who work behind the scenes to learn new skills, improve their working practises and increase their knowledge with new tools, trends and techniques. From financial viability and revenue opportunities to avoiding the pitfalls on a critical path, this very important conference will address all aspects of the successful steps you need to take to refresh and revitalise your awards brand.

​Awards matter to the entrants, so their trust, your operational transparency and the technology platforms that you can use to streamline your programme are the core objectives of the event and we want everyone to leave the event with a new sense of purpose and an appetite for amazing awards events.

​The website to accompany this new initiative will be available towards the end of the month and the event is planned for November, so please let us know if you would like any additional details at this stage!

Have a great week!

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