Welcome to another week and it's another short week, with the May Day Bank Holiday. Being so close to Easter it appears that most weeks are short weeks at present and yet the August Bank Holiday seems a long way off.
When you are under pressure to deliver Events, shorter working weeks are a bit of a mixed bag in that you have less time to get everything done when people are around to communicate with, and yet long weekends provide the ideal time to catch up on paperwork and other tasks that require some peace and quiet. However, its hard to be productive when you friends or family are enjoying some nice weather or a BBQ and you are stuck in an office playing catch up!
Apparently a third of workers say their boss thinks that the ideal employee should be
available 24 hours a day, according to a recent poll run by Relate, and that work should come before home life. Over a quarter work longer hours than they would choose to and as we know in the Events Industry, sometimes the pressure to be on site or available for clients is unrealistic, yet we still work silly hours to accommodate them.
Overworking is very bad for our health and wellbeing. The Mental Health Foundation
says that “the pressure of an increasingly demanding work culture in
the UK is perhaps the biggest and most pressing challenge to the mental
health of the general population”.
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