Happy New Year and welcome to another week at Cloud 9 Towers, although somewhat shorter than most as we welcome in the brand and spanking new year.
Along with many, we're all bursting with resolutions for the year ahead and changes we can make to improve our health, well being and bank balances. However, like so many others, it won't be long before we slip back into bad habits and that new dress means dusting off our credit cards once more!
So, in the spirit of change, rather than focusing on having a dry January, losing weight or any of the usual tawdry aims, we are going to focus on some predictions for the year ahead instead. Just what do we think we will be doing during the year ahead? Well - lets find out!
January is all about Awards so we'll be hosting a conference and organising the judging of several awards events we're involved with. Plus we'll be welcoming some new faces to Cloud 9 and ensuring all of our Ambassadors are up to speed. We're also continuing our training for the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce and helping deliver the AIEA New Years Honours at the Holiday Inn in Peterborough. We're also attending a client conference the first weekend of the year and we'll be reviewing their options for 2019.
February, we'll be ensuring that the CHS Judges are all in place and entries are flooding in for the CHS Awards as well as gearing up for a very busy March when the Nottingham Media Festival starts. February also sees us attending the Venue Masters conference as a panellist and the Accor Speed Dating event in Blackburn.

April we'll be confirming the programme for the National Acute Pain Symposium and launching our first Fresh Adventures incentive trips for creatives as well as attending the CHS Show in Leeds.
May will all be about a Digital event, but we can't say any more at this time on this one, just yet (fingers crossed anyway) and we'll also be at the CHS Awards in Leeds. Our Fresh Adventures programme should also be up and running at full speed by May with lots of activities planned for the next 19 months.

July which is traditionally a quieter time in the events industry, will certainly not be for us as we have a lots of other planning to do for our Autumn schedule as well as the planned launch of a new Cloud 9 initiative.
August is all about prep for the National Acute Pain Symposium which will be in it's 28th Year and attracts around 300 International Delegates. Additionally, we will also be busy with the logistics for the International Drone Awards and the World Super Drone event.
September is the National Acute Pain Symposium in Harrogate and also Paula hits the big 50 - ouch!

November and December - well, at this point we are not quite sure, but whatever we are doing, you can guarantee that we'll be busy as ever!
All of this and lots of venue finding for clients as well, so its a busy year ahead and we predict a good one - let's hope its the same for you all.
Happy New Year and have a great week!
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