Monday, 11 June 2018

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 11 June 2018

Welcome to another week and we'd like to talk awards this week -and specifically The Awards Trust Mark Scheme, of which we are on the board.

The Independent Awards Standards Council (IASC) is a not-for profit organisation made up of stakeholders in the Awards Industry. It was established with the aim of raising standards and perceptions of trust in awards as a whole, for the benefit of all stakeholders and we are pleased that we have had the time to help shape this important programme.

Chris Robinson, Co-Founder of the Independent Awards Standards Council, and his fellow council members believe that some award schemes are falling wide of the mark.

“The need for the Trust Mark, and the elements within an agreed code of conduct, are based on research by Boost Marketing that gained input from both awards entrants and organisers. According to Boost’s research, the average score given by businesses when asked ‘how well does the awards industry meet your needs’ was just 5.7 out of 10. But around 80% of businesses entering awards would be influenced by an independent accreditation scheme when picking awards to enter. It found that transparency was essential, and that most awards organisers were willing to consider such a scheme. The research also showed that perceived trust in the judging process used in an awards scheme is one of the most influential factors for businesses in picking schemes to enter.

The big picture for the IASC is that the UK aspires to lead the world in business awards, setting the standard to which the rest of the world aspires. This will improve the credibility and thus popularity and impact of awards schemes, for the benefit of all stakeholders within the awards industry.”

So if  you run awards then please make sure you take a look at the website and register yours, it could really make a difference. 

Have a great week and don't forget our free venue finding service 24/7! Just email Janet and she'll be happy to help.

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