Monday, 17 December 2018

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 17 December 2018

Welcome to another week and for many this is the last working week of the year and a chance to take stock, get organised, and get ready for a well earned rest over the Christmas Period.

Here at Cloud 9 Towers, as a small business we are never really off work as such, but it is always a little quieter than usual so helps us tidy up a few things and more importantly plan well ahead for our 2019 event schedule and beyond. 

If you are planning some major events in 2019, please remember that we have a free venue finding service which operates locally, nationally and internationally and we also offer a full and effective event management service for corporate events. 

Picking the right dates is the starting point for most events, and to make sure you are not clashing with any already scheduled world events is usually a good idea, as well as anything in the vicinity of your event that might mean traffic or travel issues - and increased hotel prices. So some key dates for your diary for 2019 both in the UK and further afield to note, just in case!


1 January – New Year’s Day
1-31 January – Dry January
14-27 January Australian Open Tennis Tournament in Melbourne


3 February – Superbowl in Atlanta
5 February – Chinese New Year
14 February – Valentine’s Day


1 March – St David’s Day
5 March – Shrove Tuesday
14 -21 March Special Olympics Abu Dhabi
15 March – Comic Relief
17 March – St Patrick’s Day
31 March – Mother’s Day


1 April – April Fool’s Day
6 April - Grand National Aintree
19 April – Good Friday
21 April – Easter Sunday
23 April – St George’s Day

5 May – Cinco de Mayo
14-25  May - Canne Film Festival 
18 May – FA Cup Final Wembley
 27 May – 2 June – National Barbecue Week
30 May -July - Cricket World Cup UK


14-16 June - Download Festival Donnington Park 
16 June – Father’s Day
26-30 June Glastonbury


1 July Wimbeldon Tennis Tournament
6-28 July Tour de France Belgium
7 July – World Chocolate Day
16 July – National Cherry Day
18-21 Gold Open Northern Ireland 


Nothing Doing to Note!

13 September – International Chocolate Day
20 November - Rugby World Cup Japan


31 October – Halloween


5 November – Guy Fawkes’ Night
24 November – Stir-Up Sunday
30 November – St Andrew’s Day


25 December – Christmas Day
31 December – New Year’s Eve

Have a great week! 

Monday, 10 December 2018

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 10 December 2018

Welcome to another week and its Christmas Party Season peeps! Here at Cloud 9 Towers we have already enjoyed a few festive events which kicked off with the AIEA Christmas Drinks last week, and then a party night up at Trump Turnberry on Friday. And this coming week, we're lucky to be guests of Visit Scotland who are hosting a Christmas Dinner at Hotel Du Vin in Birmingham.

We are very lucky as event profs in that we get inundated with invitations to events by suppliers, and luckily we get to be a little selective about which ones we attend, but we do know that many people dread the official office Christmas Party. So with that in mind, here is the Cloud 9 Guide for survival!

So, rule one is even though you might be surrounded with free booze, it's best not to over indulge as you don't want to end up doing or saying something you shouldn't and whilst it might seem like a good idea at the time, it's likely to come back to haunt you back at work in the cold light of day. 
Pace yourself and make sure you eat something beforehand or during the party so you’re not drinking on an empty stomach, tipsy is about the max level to aim for!

Even if you have been a little careful with your dosage of Dutch Courage this is not the time to declare your undying love for the office hunk or tell your secret crush what you’d like to do to them behind closed doors. Not only could you face a possible rejection, you also might end up in serious trouble at work, especially  if you have taken your flirting too far. People are sometimes a little more sensitive than we realise so be careful, especially under mistletoe!

Rule three is all about the dress code and even if the weekends usually find you in skin tight Lycra strutting your stuff, remember this a work do so notch up what you would normally wear to work with a little glitz, but keep it professional people.  

Use the Christmas Party as an opportunity to get to know people you don't normally mix with at work. Network and mingle and especially be a little kind to those who clearly are more shy than you - the Christmas Spirit can be a force of good!  

Yes, its a work party but that doesn't mean that you have to talk about work. Keep it social and fun, and whilst you don't need to bore everyone with your hobbies or interests, its a good opportunity to start a little small talk and get to know your colleagues a little better. Should that conversation be with your boss, then this is most definitely not the time to ask your boss for that promotion or pay rise. 

Lastly, have a great time and enjoy! 

Monday, 3 December 2018

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 3 December 2018

Welcome to another week and the countdown to the Big Day! We can't quite believe how quickly this year has gone, but certainly this time last year all of the chatter was about GDPR and were we prepared for it moving forward, following the law change back in May.

Here at Cloud 9 Towers we duly did our research and undertook training to make sure that we were compliant should any issues arrive, but six months on, has anyone really noticed any major changes in how we all operate?We are still getting unsolicited emails, and occasionally we do ask to be removed from lists, but we did that before anyway. 

The level of hysteria around GDPR which was a bit like that of the Millennium Bug a few years ago, has been embraced by some but clearly ignored by many. However the reality is that its all so complex that the formal legislation will take years to implement and enforce properly and however prepared we are, or think we are, we probably are not prepared at all.  If that doesn't make sense try reading it through in full - you would need to be a legal expert to truly understand it.

Instead of relying only on targeted advertising, marketers have been forced to rethink their approach and because of this, personalisation in marketing has grown. Since GDPR became enforceable, the number of third-party cookies found on news websites in Europe has declined by 22%, according to a study by Reuters Institute, meaning marketers really have changed the way they track consumers.

The fuller effects of GDPR are perhaps more likely to be felt much further down the line and months ahead as people either become complacent, or decide to ignore the law and its perhaps less of an issue on our industry as its very people focused and B2B orientated. 

Ask how many suppliers business cards any agent has and they will probably tell you hundreds if not thousands and most of these probably end up in a box or a drawer. However, ask the same question to suppliers and you will probably find agents names on a mailing list, whether they met them at a trade show or a forum or if they have been scanned. 

Ironically enough, we still get the odd email from a supplier where we are just one of an endless list of agents who have been cc'd in and we always wonder what has happened to the person who hit send! Did the GDPR police come and take them away?!
 With Christmas just around the corner and festive campaigns well underway, most mail houses are currently seasonally busy but we do wonder how Santa is getting on now he has to be GDPR compliant?

Have a great week #eventprofs