Monday, 10 December 2018

What's Floating Around Cloud 9? 10 December 2018

Welcome to another week and its Christmas Party Season peeps! Here at Cloud 9 Towers we have already enjoyed a few festive events which kicked off with the AIEA Christmas Drinks last week, and then a party night up at Trump Turnberry on Friday. And this coming week, we're lucky to be guests of Visit Scotland who are hosting a Christmas Dinner at Hotel Du Vin in Birmingham.

We are very lucky as event profs in that we get inundated with invitations to events by suppliers, and luckily we get to be a little selective about which ones we attend, but we do know that many people dread the official office Christmas Party. So with that in mind, here is the Cloud 9 Guide for survival!

So, rule one is even though you might be surrounded with free booze, it's best not to over indulge as you don't want to end up doing or saying something you shouldn't and whilst it might seem like a good idea at the time, it's likely to come back to haunt you back at work in the cold light of day. 
Pace yourself and make sure you eat something beforehand or during the party so you’re not drinking on an empty stomach, tipsy is about the max level to aim for!

Even if you have been a little careful with your dosage of Dutch Courage this is not the time to declare your undying love for the office hunk or tell your secret crush what you’d like to do to them behind closed doors. Not only could you face a possible rejection, you also might end up in serious trouble at work, especially  if you have taken your flirting too far. People are sometimes a little more sensitive than we realise so be careful, especially under mistletoe!

Rule three is all about the dress code and even if the weekends usually find you in skin tight Lycra strutting your stuff, remember this a work do so notch up what you would normally wear to work with a little glitz, but keep it professional people.  

Use the Christmas Party as an opportunity to get to know people you don't normally mix with at work. Network and mingle and especially be a little kind to those who clearly are more shy than you - the Christmas Spirit can be a force of good!  

Yes, its a work party but that doesn't mean that you have to talk about work. Keep it social and fun, and whilst you don't need to bore everyone with your hobbies or interests, its a good opportunity to start a little small talk and get to know your colleagues a little better. Should that conversation be with your boss, then this is most definitely not the time to ask your boss for that promotion or pay rise. 

Lastly, have a great time and enjoy! 

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