Welcome to another week and if you haven't yet packed up your decorations, eaten the last of the holiday chocolates and recycled your cards and tree, then what are you waiting for?

When wanting to build a stronger team and encourage people to work better in general,
it's important to ensure that these team members are correctly
motivated and what motivates one person, doesn't always motivate another. Get to know the people and what matters to them.
Every employee will have a different personality and knowing the
personality of each team member will allow you to best understand their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can use team
building activities to enhance the strengths and allow them to work on
their weaknesses.
Relationships with employees, and their relationship with each other, is incredibly important and teams with strong and empowering bonds will be more motivated and will work better together. A strong team culture encourages knowledge sharing, trust and forms
strong employees bonds; all things which are the fundamental framework
for team building processes to happen on.
A team that clearly knows their boundaries will be happier and more
productive so setting some ground rules will make all the difference. Rules will allow everyone to know what to expect from each
other, and procedures and ways in which they can overcome obstacles and
meet deadlines.Just don't be too restrictive or you could end up looking like a dictator!
Lastly, make sure that everyone is engaged and listen rather than lecture - it could end up that you have a much better team on your hands for the year ahead.
If you need us to help you source a venue or a team building event for your next company conference or meeting, then please do get in touch. Our service is free, fast and friendly and we can normally turn any enquiry, however obscure around in less than 48 hours.
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