Plus with Venue Finding and the launch of the Dazzling Table Displays taking longer than we though, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day!
One of the main issues with juggling is time management and we had an agreement in the office that each week we would dedicate an hour to a topic where we all could do with either a refresher course, or simply go back to basics. For some of the junior members of the team this is a great chance to take a look at subject matter that they perhaps wouldn't normally cover, and it also gives Paula the chance to get out some of her old training notes from days gone by - T Bailey Forman were pretty hot at training don't you know, back in the day!
Unfortunately these days, its more advantageous to know what S.E.O. stands for than D.P.S. (and if you don't know these terms you probably shouldn't be reading this anyway) but even we have been surprised by some of the terms, and it goes to show that you never stop learning! We always thought a Zombie was something that appeared in horror films, but hey, who knew?!
Anyway, it turns out that the one course we could all do with in the office is one on Time Management as only 7 weeks into the year, and we are already behind on 3 weeks worth of hourly sessions on training. So, the next time we get time, its all going to be about time...now where did we leave those notes?!
Staying slightly on the subject of learning, Shannon has started taking driving lessons which are not only horrifically expensive these days, but also require a degree in the Highway Code. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/LearnerAndNewDrivers/TheoryTest/DG_4022536
In order to help a little we have been having a bash at the online test but its fair to say that the only ten and two we now recognise, is its time for another cuppa! And we never did know what half of the road signs were either! Both Paula and Kelly have written off cars so maybe we shouldn't be imparting any knowledge or suggestions to Shannon in order for her to stand a chance!
Birthday season is also upon us shortly and whilst we have all only just finished (ahem!) paying for Christmas, so far we have had well over 14 different collective birthdays to cover between us in the office - boyfriends, friends, sisters, best pals, you name it! And its only going to get worse as this year we seem to be celebrating lots of milestone birthdays. The Queen might be celebrating her jubilee but two close friends are also going to 50 this year and both are doing it in some style.
The first has a Vintage Style Tea Party planned for around 30 ladies and she will no doubt be using much of her own fabulous stock as she runs a successful tea party business in Manchester http://www.onceuponateacup.blogspot.com/
And the second has a rather different celebration in mind! Instead of a party, she will be driving a banger around Europe in a Gumball Rally, with a Banger of a car (price limit £250) decked out like a Hamster!http://www.randomrallies.co.uk/
What can we say? No wonder we are all slightly batty at Cloud 9 and Fresh! Great though isn't it?!
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