Monday, 6 February 2012

What's Floating Around Cloud 9...

Week Commencing 6th February.....we are

Gearing up for the Fresh PR Awards which take place on Thursday 1st March at the Hilton Deansgate in Manchester, and we are also looking ahead to Fresh 2012 which has a lovely theme created by the great guys over at McCann Erickson Birmingham. It's all about "Making Your Mum Proud" and will provide a fabulous platform for the awards this year. We have tried to book a bingo hall to hold the awards in, but sadly we cant find one as they are all too worried about losing their regular customers to another hall if we have an exclusive night! Would be great though!  So knitting patterns at the ready entrants it's going to be a year to showcase your work (and make your Mum very proud!).

 As well as Fresh and our busy, and FREE, venue finding service, we are also starting to plan ahead for the CIPR Northern Conference 2012 which this year will take place in Leeds at the Northern Ballet Theatre. The theme this year is Fit for the Future and its all about keeping up with the increasing changes that communicators face in the industry. We are planning a truly remarkable line up of speakers and some insightful workshops. The date is set for Wednesday 4th July and full details including the programme will be available soon.

 Looking forward to a great RSViP Event at the Galleries of Justice in Nottingham - not the sort of place you would expect to host a fashion and lifestyle show - but should be great and a good excuse for a little mid week shopping and sipping champers - not that we need much of an excuse here at Cloud 9!

Hoping to have some new awards on the horizon coming soon which we are hoping to run in association with our good friends at http// We like the Q Hotels brand a lot and have a few key favourites in their portfolio including The Queens, The Midland and The Stratford Manor to name a few! If we get the green light then the venue will be the Stratford Manor, a great venue just on the outskirts of Stratford upon Avon. Pity William Shakepeare is not around to write the awards script though, as its our least favourite task in the whole awards process! 

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