to another week and it's the big 5-0 for Paula so a bit of a milestone birthday
and a good excuse to take stock and see what sort of challenge here at Cloud 9
Towers we can set to mark the occasion. Not on usual tone we know #Eventprofs,
but hey, we are forgiven yes?
there are 50 key things you should try before you are 50 according to most of
the articles and features on line, and whilst they are not all identical lists,
they are all pretty similar and include the following......
a house 2. Have kids 3. Get married 4. Fall in love 5. Eat fish and chips on
the pier 6. Donate blood 7. Read 100 books 8. See your favourite band live 9.
Learn a language 10. Attend a music festival 11. Own a dog 12. Learn to say no
to your mother 13. Stay out all night partying 14. See the Northern Lights 15. Visit Stonehenge 16. Remember
where the petrol cap is17. Travel somewhere alone 18. Sleep underneath the
stars 19. Watch a meteor shower 20. Dance in the rain 21. Become an expert at
something 22. Quit a job 23. See a volcano 24. Visit all seven continents 25.
Throw a coin in the Trevi fountain26. Take a
helicopter ride 27. Have sex on a beach 28. Swim with dolphins 29. Go skinny
dipping 30. Ride a gondola in Venice 31. Make a snow angel 32. Take part
in a protest 33. Own your own business 34. Go in a hot air balloon 35. Ride an
elephant 36. Climb Snowdonia 37. Jump into a pool fully clothed 38.
Backpack across Europe 39. Perfect a signature dish 40. Drink beer at
Oktoberfest 41. Run a marathon 42. Get a tattoo 43. Ride a Vespa 44. Watch
comedy at Edinburgh Fringe 45. Write a novel 46. Write a journal 47. Spend a
month technology free 48. Try drugs 49. Have a threesome 50. Go to an airport
and pick a random flight
like to consider myself pretty worldly but on checking against this list,
sadly, I am only coming in at 29 out of 50....and I'm relieved that some of
them can stay unchecked!
no tattoos, no running a marathon or mountain climbing and as I won't go
anywhere I can’t plug my hairdryer or straightening irons in, no backpacking
or slumming it anywhere!
hitting 50, the list changes to the following : 1. Karaoke. 2 Go on a road trip
with friends. 3. Dramatically change your hairstyle or look. 4.Learn a
new language. 5. Formally learn a style of dance.6.Get a tattoo 7. Travel to an
exotic destination. 8.Go skinny dipping 9.Build something yourself (Ikea
assembly, while impressive, doesn’t count). 10. Help fix an issue that has
always bothered you through volunteering.11.Learn about your family history.
12.Scuba dive. 13.Buy the car you’ve always wanted — or at least test drive it.
14.Find an old school friend.15.Become something of an expert in something
you’ve always found interesting.16.Climb a mountain 17.Single ladies: Ask
someone out on a date.18.Fellas: Make a brand new friend without your wife or
significant other. 19.Pull an all-nighter 20.Splurge on something extravagant
21.Go ziplining 22.Join a flash mob. 23.Take a job that feels a bit outside
your comfort zone 24.Have a meal at one of the world’s top
restaurants.25.Conquer one of your biggest fears 26. Participate in one of the
world’s most well-known festivals: Mardi Gras, Oktoberfest, Running of the
Bulls and the like 27. Tell someone what you REALLY
think of them. 28.Fly first class 29.Become a mentor 30.Go skydiving 31.Master
public speaking. 32.Repair something all by yourself 33.Have an
honest-to-goodness adventure 34 Go on a trip by yourself 35 Live abroad — we’re
not talking about a week-long vacation 36 Get really good at a bar game.37 Read
that classic you’ve faked having read for years 38 Have sex or engage in a sex
act in an unusual place.39 Throw a party that has people talking for weeks 40
Go camping.41 Teach someone how to do something you’re really good at doing.42
Get a custom dress or suit 43 Gamble (but like our friend Kenny Rogers would
say, know when to fold them). 44 If single, go on a blind date.45 Own something
that makes you feel like a millionaire 46 Travel for a concert 47 Forgive
someone for hurting you.48 Make an elaborate and wildly impressive meal for
guests 49 Cultivate a green thumb, 50 Participate in a movement you believe in.
list of things to do at 50 gives me a better score already as I come in at 33
out of 50 but there are still no plans for a tattoo, and my thumb will only be
green if I stick it in some green paint - plants come to me to die!
with the standard lists out of the window there is only one thing to do for
this #eventprofs
50 fams in one year....
as we have not managed to bend the time/space continuum here at Cloud 9 Towers,
most viewers will spot that with Christmas and Holidays, Client, Work, Friends
and Family commitments, it's highly unlikely that I will manage to cram in 50
pure fams into a single year.
this basis fellow industry colleagues, I hope you will allow a little latitude
for the mission ahead as the plan is to include Trade Shows, site visits and
where possible combinations of different venues
official countdown starts tomorrow, Tuesday 11 September 2018.....so let's see
how it goes...
Days 50 Fams
a great week......
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