To help kick start the proceedings, Paralympian Gold Medal Winner Tim Reddish is attending along with other key dignitaries from the City. Tim is an inspiration as he won gold medals, transformed the British Disabled Swim team
to the most successful of all time, and was chair of the British
Paralympic Association in the greatly successful London 2012 Olympic and
Paralympic games.
He might have a
disability, but he’s made up for it and more with everything he’s
achieved and although he is blind, Tim believes in using his abilities to make
the most of what he has.
The event is also the launch platform of the new My Sight Lottery, where we have just 175 places available to sign up for, pay £10 a month - and each month, one lucky winner will win £500, one will win £200 and one will win £50. Much better odds than the National Lottery and all profits go straight to the Charity so its a win win!

The event attracts 300 delegates and is a mix of Doctors and Nurses and Pain Consultants, and although the majority of delegates are based in the UK, as the longest established pain meeting in the world, the event also sees a size able proportion of International attendees.
So busy week ahead, and not much time to report on much more, apart from to update the 50 Fam Mission for Paula here at Cloud 9 Towers
One week down and one fam down - huge thanks to Jurys Sheffield - you kick started my mission in style!
Have a great week everyone!
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